Tag Archives: Right on Time

… full circle

I was reborn tonight. Leveled Up on my purpose in life. Ushered myself into the next phase of connectivity I am able to facilitate and welcome unto myself, internally + outwardly. 

My mantra has been to find my piece of California daily. This almost-spring evening I got to dance outside to some funky music for the first time in a long time. 

Sbtrkt’s song Wildfire gave me my California tonight. And got me thinking of when my adventures began on the west coast. San Fran was my first trip and is when I really got back into traveling and having fun again. Traveling wasn’t what it should have been for a while before that so I had forgotten what it meant to me. But a week in Vegas followed by a week in San Fran seemed to jumpstart my low-charge self. 

I’ve been learning how to recharge my battery just as I need to and right on time. And without fail, the universe managed to reciprocate the energy in auspiciously exact ways – so many TV movie moments that I always laugh at became an actual feeling in the pit of me. 

So many things make me fall in love with myself and my life. Over and over. Reminding me of all the good and fuzzy. There’s plenty. It’s just nurturing and facilitates more goodness. 

I take care of myself and learn to take care of another and just allow it become a balance of both. Then it begins to multiply and create itself. Fuck. It feels great. So I figure out how to keep it all around. How to keep the balance going. 

Anyway, my life has infinitely expanded today. I look forward to more. 

Everything is happening right on time and just enough.